08 Apr Papyrus Magazine April 2019
April 2019
Volume 40 Number 2
Illustrious Sir Jed M. Handy
I hope this message finds you all in good health and ready to face the good weather and the dog bombs on your lawn. It’s now the time when you can “wet your plants” and get ready for another growing season. As the plants grow, so do we as Shriners.
I am very much enjoying my travels and every Club I attend I learn something new. My latest tidbit of gleaned knowledge was from the Timmins/Northland installation. Did you know you can light a Tim Horton’s tray and the smoke it emits will repel bugs. Who knew!
Young or old, we all have great ideas and if you take a minute to listen you might be surprised.
We have some upcoming events I would like to remind you of:
• The Potentate’s Ball is again being held at the Crowne Plaza, Toronto on April 13th. Always a fun event.
• Our Special Ladies luncheon is set for May 25th at our Temple H.Q. Let’s honour departed brothers by showing our Special Ladies they are not forgotten.
• Sheba Shrine is now working in overtime to ensure the Spring Ceremonial being held in Barrie on 14-16 June will be one to remember. Director General Noble Sandy Mealing and his crew have lots of things up their sleeves. It’s a must show.
• The 145th Imperial Shrine Session is being held in Nashville this year. What an opportunity to meet Shriners from all over the world.
• Near and dear to my heart is the Potentates trip 8-22 August, 2019. It is a Mediterranean Cruise that will never be forgotten. If you are still standing on the fence, jump in. You won’t regret it and YES, there are still a few cabins left.
Time to sign off but I want to say thanks to you all for all the well wishing and offers of help and advice. I am truly humbled.
Work Hard and Give Back.
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