23 Dec Papyrus Magazine November 2021
November 2021
Volume 42 Number 5
Illustrious Sir Shawn W. Hewlett
Hello Nobles, Ladies and anyone else reading this message and that this message finds you well. This past month has been especially exciting for both Lady Ann and I as we have been finally able to get out socialize again and see our fellow Shrine acquaintances. The first major event was the Virtual Ceremonial in North Bay which saw 38 candidates initiated (albeit virtually) to become Shriners. This event was followed up that Saturday evening with a 1920’s themed mystery dinner and the appearance of a special quest. The highlight of the evening was the introduction and talk of someone who most of you only know as the little girl being held by the Shriner who is also carrying her crutches, also known as the “Silent Messenger”. Bobby-Jo Wright’s second time in Canada and a first for Rameses Shriners. Bobby-Jo told everyone of how the Shriners changed her life, and had it not been for the Shriners she would be confined to a wheelchair today or worse. She also spoke on the differences of some 50 years ago to what they are today at our Shriners Hospitals. It was an honour and privilege to have someone so internationally known, as Bobby-Jo, attend our function. Getting her to North Bay was the work of our Director General Noble Rob McDonald and a big tip of the Fez goes out to Rob and Lady Linda for their tireless efforts in seeing this through. While at the dinner another first for Rameses saw the presentation of the “Potentates Award of Merit”. This has also never been done before by Rameses and it is hoped that it will continue. The Presentation of this award went to Noble Adam Harwood for his efforts in having our Charity, Shiners Hospitals for Children listed on “Amazon Smile”. As a result of Adams efforts in researching and implementing Shriners Hospital for Children on “Amazon Smile”, who donates 0.5% of sales to the selected charity, Shriners Hospital for Children have received in excess of 300 thousand dollars and this amount continues to grow every day. Thank you again Noble Adam, well deserved.
The following weekend we attended the Potentates Ball at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto and another great weekend was had by all who attended. The hospitality that was provided by the Appointed Divan was second to none. We received countless positive comments on the venue, rooms, meals, atmosphere and overall experience, another tip of the Fez to our Chief Rabban Don Campbell for putting this together.
Thank you to the visiting Potentates, representatives, and all who journeyed to the Ball to make it the great success that it was.
These two weekends alone saw large numbers of Nobles and their ladies attend a controlled function (allowable by Provincial guidelines) and without incident. Everyone who attended was vaccinated with proof thereof. This just goes to show that it can be done.
During theses last five years on the Divan and before that, four years on the Appointed Divan, and even before that at the Club and Unit level I have endeavoured to do my very best for the greater good of Shrinedom, Rameses Shriners and our Shriners Hospital for Children, now “Shriners Children’s”. During this time there have been several obstacles both internal and external to seeing that process completed. Most of these obstacles have come in the way of others not accepting change. Change in the way we do things today, not yesterday, not last year and not years ago, TODAY! Nobles, we must accept change, and just because another member has a different opinion than that of ours does not mean that they or you are wrong, only a different opinion from where they stand or believe. Nobles we must accept that our opinion or idea is not always the correct one and when challenged we should listen to the others point of view, respect that point of view and then come to best outcome based on the greater good or the “right thing to do”. Not everyone is going to agree with your stance on things and nor should they, as it is good to have differing opinions and ideas. However, when those think that they are always correct and everyone else is wrong, that is where the problem starts. Change is needed NOW, because the way we have been doing things IS NOT WORKING. It is no longer good enough to say “Well that’s the way we have always done it” or “In my year that’s the way I did it”, these old adages are killing our Fraternity and Philanthropy. We MUST look to the future if we want to survive. Just because we tried something and it didn’t work yesterday does not mean if we try it again today with a slight twist that it won’t work today.
Leadership is the same, and making those tough decisions although not popular, so long as they are made “for the right reasons”. Recently several tough decisions had to be made with regard to vaccinations and showing proof thereof. These decisions were based on the Provincial guidelines, recommendations and regulations as well as those of Shriners International. Basically, if you are not properly vaccinated than you should not be attending any Shrine function, event parade, practice, meeting, selling of cakes, or any other function of Rameses Shriners. Nobles first and foremost we have to protect the Brand of Shriners, “BIGGER THAN OURSELVES”. This does not mean in any way you have to take a demit from being a Shriner or Mason, it just means you have to find another means of participating which several Nobles have already done, a little thinking outside the box, and good for them. Whether we agree with them or not, they have made a choice and the choice is theirs. They are the ones that have to live with those choices, and make whatever arrangements to move on in a progressive manner. Remember quitting is never an option.
Nobles, Ladies, Friends, on behalf of both Lady Ann and myself we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe, get vaccinated and get the booster. It’s “the right thing to do” and it’s . . .
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