08 Sep Papyrus Magazine September 2019
September 2019
Volume 40 Number 4
Illustrious Sir Jed M. Handy
Hello again Nobles, Ladies and Friends. I cannot believe I am already writing my September message.
There has been so much happen since we last spoke.
I have had the opportunity to attend Fish fries, Golf tournaments, Surf and Turf dinners and Master Mason’s Nights as well as installations and visits with the Daughters of the Nile and The Ladies of the Oriental Shrine of North America. The outstanding work and effort put into these events is so evident when I speak with the attendees (both Shriners and non-Shriners). Your public-spirited and philanthropic efforts are admired by your communities and each one of you please accept my sincere and heartfelt thank you. It’s because of you, our Hospitals are able to exist.
At our recent Spring Ceremonial we had one of our patients, Annabelle and family, speak to us at the feast. I would venture to guess there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. That is what we Shriners do. Help Children.
A special thanks goes out to Noble Sandy Mealing and his unbelievable team at Sheba for setting the bar for Ceremonials.
I also want to thank everyone who spent the time to join us in Nashville for the 145th International Imperial Session. We were a little shy of help with pulling the Potentates Chariot. As always, the cavalry arrived and we participated in the parade. Thanks Nobles!
Niagara Shrine Club had a particular honour in the parade. Past Imperial Potentate George Mitchell rode in “Misty” for the parade. It was a hot evening but it went off without a hitch. It was great to see the Founders Unit back once more. A special thanks to Conductor Scott Stuart for the hospitality he showed me during the famed Conductor’s Dinner.
During the Imperial Sessions, we were required to make a number of difficult decisions. One in particular will allow for the closing or merging of Hospitals after consultation with all the interested parties. I am very confident our Montreal Hospital is safe however some of the other underused Hospitals could be merged or closed. We need to change the way we do business. We will not settle for anything less than excellent patient care and must protect our system from rising costs and reduced membership meaning less financial support. Not to worry. Our Hospital system is secure. We have an amazing Imperial Divan and Hospital Board members and administrators who will not make a move without in-depth consultations. Incremental evolution is a fact of life and decisions will not be taken lightly.
At the Imperial, I also attended a meeting of the Canadian Association of Shrine Temples (C.A.S.T.). It was realized our association required a revamp. We voted in a new executive and mandate. I am very hopeful we are going to have an association better equipped to represent our unique Canadian needs giving us a stronger voice to approach our Imperial leaders with our concerns and requirements.
Membership is always a concern for your Divan. Don’t forget about our Fall Ceremonial being held at our Toronto Headquarters. The date is September 14th. We hope to have a special treat for our Candidates. Plan on attending.
I hope to see you at an event or meeting real soon.
Oh, something else I forgot to mention. I recently participated in the Hillbilly Degree hosted by Ramoca Shrine Club. A special “Shout Out” to all my new Cuzzins!
Work hard and give back.
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