31 Aug Papyrus Magazine September 2020
September 2020
Volume 41 Number 4
Illustrious Sir William C. “Bill” Sweet
The COVID-19 pandemic is still here. It is also flourishing south of the border and in other countries around the world. In Ontario we have flattened the curve and the government, upon advice from public health experts, has been slowly relaxing the restrictive measures that were imposed on all of us in early March.
We are in Stage 3 recovery in our complete jurisdiction.
We cannot become complacent, however. Here is what the Grand Master, a Medical Doctor, recently wrote on the subject: “…but since those most at risk of serious complications included the elderly, large gatherings in confined spaces which included seniors were not advised.” Let me add that the new “COVID-19 Alert” application for your smart phones is now available to all and is very useful in learning if you have been in, or are in, a compromising environment. All of this goes to say that we must be extra vigilant in getting back to work to fund-raise etc. I would like everyone to hold off for a while longer before engaging in meetings. Please use a virtual meeting instead!
The Divan is now resuming frequent virtual meetings to keep pace with the relaxed demeanor of society at large and the issues that may arise due to COVID-19. I can also state that the Lottery has been managed over the last few months and all our bills are paid.
We did have a virtual Stated Meeting on June 11, and it attracted a larger number of Nobles and a great group of northern Clubs than we have ever had. Every time we try something new, we achieve most gratifying results. We balloted successfully on 30 applicants.
Canadian Association of Shrine Temples (CAST) held a virtual AGM on July 26, 2020. I joined in from Haliburton, which says a lot regarding the subject of always being in touch. CAST has made great strides this past year. Information is being shared across Canada and the future looks bright.
COVID-19 also induced the Kansas City Imperial session into a virtual meeting. Nine voting delegates from Rameses met at the Temple and socially distanced themselves and participated in the meeting. Voting was conducted very efficiently and expediently using smart phones while watching the session on the big screen. Imperial Sir Jim Smith is our new Imperial Potentate. First Lady Alice Smith has jewellery items and ties for sale. You can find them on Shriners Village. A little searching job for you.
Lady Barbara and I are staying well and safe. We are crossing our fingers that the predicted second wave of the virus doesn’t negatively affect our “FALL BALL” on November 14, 2020. In any case we are enjoying things as much as possible and we thoroughly respect all of you for your persistence and support. Hope to see you about the realm.
Lady Barbara and I will continue zooming around the jurisdiction.
Remember to . . . Focus On Our Future
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