``We Fly High For Our Kids``
Let’s Spread Our Wings in 24

Illustrious Sir
John Domonkos



As we approach the close of another year, I am filled with gratitude and pride in what we have accomplished together. It has been an honour to serve as your Potentate, and I want to thank each member of Rameses Shriners for your unwavering support and dedication throughout this busy and fulfilling year.


It has been a great pleasure for me and First Lady Elizabeth to travel throughout our Jurisdiction visiting all the Clubs and Units. It was my pleasure attending your Functions and meeting the Nobles and their Ladies and making new friends.


We have worked tirelessly to support our mission and to keep our promise to the children at Shriners Hospital for Children – Canada. I am grateful for your collective effort, ensuring that our commitment to these children and their families remains as strong as ever. Their wellbeing and the vital work done at the Hospital are at the heart of all we do, and our ongoing support has a profound impact on their lives. Please never forget that we are the World’s Largest and Greatest Philanthropy, thanks to your dedication and hard work, with one purpose, our kids in our Shriners Childrens Hospital.


We must continue to bring back that “Fun and Fellowship” reminding our Nobles and our Brethren that we are Masons first, Shriners second. Help us to take our Masons and turn them into Shriners. Get them involved with their Ladies and families.


I had the pleasure to bring on the plane Bobby-Jo Wright, a Shrine Patient carried by a Shriner, who also carried her crutches, that became the famous “Silent Messenger”. Thank you, Noble Florin Popa, our Chief Pilot.


To Prevent our declining membership, remember that your Active Participation is very important. Retention is our major problem due to our lack of mentorship. Do not just sponsor members and ignore them, get involved with them, mentor them and you may also have Fun, and it can make an impact on our beloved organization. Nobles, if we want to Survive, we must change our ways of doing things.


Potentate’s Ball was well Attended: Thanks to Noble John Neil and Lady Peggy for organizing our Potentate’s Banquet at the Sheraton Centre with all their committees. It was well attended, and everyone received a Picture of their visit. Special thank you to Lady Elizabeth for supplying all the Ladies with a beautiful Necklace. Our Hospitality Room was decorated with an Airplane Theme with actual Airplane Parts.


Spring Ceremonial, Niagara Falls: I would like to express my gratitude to Director General, Noble Dave Gillies, and President, Noble Richard Shave, and your Committee for Hosting our Spring Ceremonial at the Niagara Shrine Club. I thank you for all your hard work and dedication Nobles and Ladies, making it a successful event and even making money. During the Presentation of the Cheques at the Banquet we raised over $530,000.00. Thank you, to all the Clubs and Units, for your hard work and your dedication, and I will be eternally grateful with all the Children in our Shriners Children Hospital- Montreal. The Ladies Luncheon was well attended and First Lady Elizabeth donated 100 Red Ladies Scarfs with picture of Bobby-Jo Wright.


The 150th Imperial Session in Reno, Nevada, was well attended, and the Parade was enjoyed by all the public. The Shriners International is based on two corporations. The Iowa Corporation operates our fraternity, and the Colorado Corporation operates the Shriners Hospitals. Thanks to our Founders Unit for bringing their 1888 Streetcar and my Chariot to Reno, Nevada. We had a wonderful and busy time. We voted on many issues facing us at the International Shriners Sessions, Iowa Corporation and the Colorado Corporation. I would like to thank Noble Drew Ward for looking after the Ladies on the Bus Tour to Lake Tahoe organized by First Lady Elizabeth.


Noble Mark Smith with Lady Deb Airhart and their committee did a fantastic Job in our Hospitality Suite. They pulled off the decorating and manning our Hospitality Rooms with the Appointed Divan at the Potentate’s Ball, Spring Ceremonial, 150th Imperial Session and our Fall Ceremonial, a great time had by all.


Potentate’s Trip, “Danube Dreams”, Avalon River Cruise was an exciting and busy time for all. Thank you, Nobles and Ladies who came on the trip, and I hope you all had a great time reminiscing and looking at the pictures and videos. Thank you to Noble Jed Handy and Lauren Tsilker for your Vocals on Stage. Noble Skip Williams, you do not think I leave you out in making the evening fun with your vocals and your dancing.


To the Divan: Please remember that tough decisions will have to be made soon, make sure it is for the right reasons. The Sale of our Building must be considered as the costs are too high for us to maintain due to the declining membership. Consider using Zoom Meetings to save money on Travel (Mileage) Expenses.


I would like to thank our past Potentate’s for their support and dedication and Devotion to Rameses Shriners. Also, my thanks to my Mentor, Rt. Reverend Illustrious Sir Bevan Carrique, P.P., for your support and guidance.


To my ambassadors, please note that it has been my Honour to work with you, and you represented me at your Club and Unit Meetings with dignity. You made my work easier serving all the Nobles and I appreciate your help.


I would like to give special recognition to my Elected Divan for your help, to me and First Lady Elizabeth for your support and assistance. Your Service was appreciated, and I am grateful to you.


As we look forward to a new chapter with the installation of new Officers and new Oriental Guide, I want to stress the importance of financial prudence and stewardship. We must continue to watch our expenses, show clarity, remembering that we are faced with declining membership. Open discussions and full transparency in our finances will be key as we work together to sustain the Rameses Shriners’ legacy.


Thank you to Rina Di Tommaso, our Office Manager and Jessica Campbell, for your assistance for the past five years. We will miss you Celine Claremont and remember you in our hearts forever.


Be Proud to be a Mason but even more proud as a Shriner. Remember always, you are a Mason first and a Shriner second. Being a proud Mason makes us feel better but, as a Shriner, we make the world feel better and we change lives.


We had several Nobles of Rameses Shriners who were Elected or Appointed to Grand Lodge, please refer to our previous Papyrus.


Though I will soon step into a new role on the sidelines, my commitment to supporting our mission will not waver. I am grateful for the work we have done and look forward to seeing Rameses Shriners thrive in the coming years.


I wanted to do my best for the greater good of Rameses and our Shriners Hospital for Children Montreal – Canada. In 2020 During Covid, my beautiful Granddaughter, Lauren Tsilker was a Shriners Scoliosis Patient, and she wanted to show her appreciation to Dr. Jean Ouellet and the Hospital during the time when they were short of Supplies. We obtained Procedure Masks for the Hospital, then Masks for the Doctors in the Operating room then got a call from the Hospital that they have to shut down doing operations due to shortage of supplies. We then sourced out Surgical gowns for the operating room to Dr. Jean Ouellet and Mr. Jacques Boissonneault the Director of the Hospital.


After her operation she went to Dalhousie University in Halifax and Graduated 4 years, Business and Philosophy and she wanted to go to Law School. She received a Grant from Boston University and an Invitation to Queens University and Western University in London, Ontario. She chose London Law as she wants to be close to home. She is Grateful to the Shriners for their help and as she said, “Shriners Change Lives”.


I was asked by the Oakville Shrine Club to attend with them to the Shriners Hospital in Chicago for the Presentation of $20.000.00 and at that time I received from President Noble Phil Sidhwa a cheque in the amount of $57,413.33.


Noble Les Bodrogi, President of the Mississauga Shrine Club, presented 3 cheques this year in the amount of $110,000.00 for the Ramerses Transportation Fund from their Bingo work.


First Ladies Project was a success, and I would like to congratulate all the Winners. A special Thank you to Lady Marion Searle for donating the 1st Prize a beautiful Quilt; Noble George Basmaji from Graziella Jewelry for donating the 2nd Prize; 3rd and 4th Prizes were donated by First Lady Elizabeth.


Looking forward seeing you all at the Rameses Carol Service on Sunday Dec. 8, 2024. A special door Prize for the Ladies in attendance.


Next time you are at Rameses Temple, please relax in our 12 chairs, newly refurbished chairs, by Lady Elizabeth which was previously purchased by Lady Linda McKinney.


Thank you all for making this year, one to remember. I am truly honoured to have served, with each of you. Please checkout our Web Site for more Pictures.


May all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year.


With heartfelt gratitude and fraternal regards,


John Domonkos
Potentate 2024


“We Fly High For Our Kids”

Let’s Spread Our Wings in 24

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