23 Dec Papyrus Magazine November 2022
November 2022
Volume 43 Number 5
Illustrious Sir Donald A. Campbell
Thank You
As we come to an end of my term as Potentate, it has been of great pleasure for me to travel throughout our jurisdiction, I had the opportunity to meet the Nobles, renew friendship and to make many new friends. Over the years, you will notice in my messages, I didn’t spend much time talking about the past and concentrated on where we are going. As I write my last message it is time to reflect on what we have done during the past Shrine year.
We should be proud that we all share membership in an organization well respected for its commitment to Shrine children. I encourage each of you to contribute in some manner in its operations. Your active participation can make a significant impact on the well-being of our organization and at the same time broaden our commitment to the communities we serve.
“If you want to make a good impression, it is critical that it is done in person” (Jeremy Piesanz PhD).
I believe first impressions will influence a man who is considering joining Rameses Shriners. Perhaps the simplest example of the application of this rule, everything counts. You’ve heard it said that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. The fact is that when you meet a person, he makes a judgement about you in approximately four seconds, and his judgment is finalized largely within 30 seconds of the initial contact.
You will find the key to success under the alarm clock. (President Benjamin Franklin)
Everyone has experienced meetings that took up far too much time and accomplished far too little. Unfortunately, this sad situation has happened so often that you may find yourself becoming numb to the fact that your meetings aren’t as good as they should be or could be. You can make your meetings better. The power is within you, whether you are the President or a member. Start on time and end on time. Club and Unit meetings can easily get off track and stay off track. The result? Meetings do not achieve their goals. Presidents and Nobles must actively work to keep meetings focused on the purpose of the meeting,
“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine” (Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group).
Spring Ceremonial: Words cannot express my appreciation to all the Nobles from St. Catharines and District Shrine Club. They are amazing and the executive members of the committee worked together to pull off a very successful Ceremonial. Their goal, to bring the Nobles and families back together after living through 2 plus years with a pandemic that virtually closed all events. But they were optimistic and believed it would be a go. Our main goal is to bring back the Nobles and we accomplished that. Special recognition must be given to the Director General, Noble Kevin Lockey and Club President, Noble Gunther P. Arndt.
Imperial Shrine Session: Your Divan attended the 148th Imperial Session of Shriners International, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 2 – 7, 2022. The exhilarating Shriners parade was enjoyed by all, especially the community of Minneapolis. The success of Rameses Shriners’ stay in Minneapolis was largely due to the work of our Chief Aide, Noble Mark Smith, and his Lady Deb. Thank you. You are a remarkable couple.
Past Potentates: Our Past Potentates assisted me in various advisory positions, ready and able to assist any Club or Unit, including your Potentate. They have done so admirably. They have won the esteem of the entire membership by their efficiency and devotion, and we are not only proud of them, but would like them to know that we hold them in high regard.
Ambassadors: It has been a great honour and privilege to work with our Ambassadors for the past year as they represented me at their Club or Unit meetings. My job was easier because of the work they have done, serving the Nobles. I am proud to say, I have worked with true leaders, and I appreciate your accomplishments.
Elected Divan: I would also like to thank the Elected members of the Divan. It was a pleasure working with you this year. You performed your duties and responsibilities with equality and uprightness bringing dignity and integrity to your office.
Appointed Divan: It was an honour working with you this year. The knowledge and skills you received during your year as the appointed members become more valuable now than ever before. I can assure you, “your value will be NOT what you know: it will be what you share.” I thank you for your Service.
Office Staff: For the past five years, I relied on the support of our office staff. They are truly awesome people who work far beyond our own high standards. I will always appreciate your guidance and assistance. Thank you, Rina Di Tommaso, Jessica Campbell, and Celine Clermont. It was enjoyable working with you.
Financial Assessment Recommendation: Every time we hear about increasing the assessment there are a few who threaten to take their demit, and do what? Facts are facts. Read my last Papyrus message. Your membership card is a passport into a society of friends and Brethren that are numbered in the millions around the globe. Our membership is decreasing, and expenses are going up. Not that we are spending foolishly, inflation has hit us all, and all other organizations. As an example, what did it cost for a tank of gas last year verses this year? Almost double, correct. What did it cost for groceries last year compared to this year? You are not driving any further or eating more food, it simply cost more for those same services. I foresee a need to increase Ramesses Assessment. The last time we had an increase in “Rameses” assessment was in 2012.
“It’s not what you are that’s important, the issue is what you are willing to become.” (John MacArthur Jr. President Master’s Seminary).
Conclusion: I have been given the greatest opportunity in a lifetime being elected and installed as your Potentate. My only regret, I had to do this journey on my own. So, before I leave, I would ask each of you to consider your life balance. I know what it’s like losing someone you truly love. Thank you all for being there when I needed you the most. I will always cherish our friendship.
The services I have been able to render to Rameses Shriners and to the membership have been possible mainly because of the co-operation and accord which I have always received. My reward truly has been as continuous as my service, for I have watched the progress and advancement of Nobles as partly the result of my assistance and advice. I started off with thank you. I will now end with thank you.
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