Papyrus Magazine September 2022

Papyrus Magazine September 2022

September 2022
Volume 43 Number 4


Illustrious Sir Donald A. Campbell

Grand Lodge. Please join with me in congratulating Noble Thomas W. Hogeboom who was installed as our Grand Master of the Grand Lodge A.M & F.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario. I had the honour of being the Installing Past Grand Master.

As you can see by the front cover, your elected Divan attended Grand Lodge on July 20 and 21, 2022, to witness and be part of the Installation of M.W. Bro. Hogeboom. You will notice that your elected Divan consist of three Past Masters, a Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, a Past Grand Junior Warden, a Past District Deputy Grand Master and a Past Grand Master. Who said Shriners are not active participants in their Craft Lodge! And I would hope all Shriners will continue to support the Craft Lodge.

We had several other Nobles of Rameses Shriners were either elected or appointed to Grand Lodge. Our very own immediate Past Potentate, Ill. Sir (V.W. Bro.) Shawn W. Hewlett was appointed as the Grand Pursuivant. Congratulations to all our Nobles who were elected and or appointed. Your contributions to the Craft and Rameses are always welcomed and appreciated.

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal in which it stated “Freemasonry—a global, fraternal organization that dates to the 18th century with a goal of ‘Making Good Men Better’—was once a major force in American society.” Once was! I think it is time we let the world know that we never stopped pursuing this goal of improving our world, and ourselves, and that we are still a major force in society.

The public perception of Freemasonry is largely formed by fiction rather than fact.  Best-selling novels, block-buster movies, sensational television documentaries and anti-Masonic websites all create a false impression of the world’s oldest and largest fraternity.

Your Membership Card.  At his initiation, a Mason receives a membership card. It is a priceless possession that confirms his acceptance of Masonic principles and values.

It is proof that he has entered a brotherhood with honourable Masons who practice charity in both word and deed. Men who forgive and forget the faults of others; who will not abide scandal and innuendo; who care for widows and orphans of Brethren and are fair and just to all.

This card means that no matter where he may travel in the world, he is welcome to visit any place where good fellowship prevails among his Brethren and friends.

It further states that his loved ones and household are watched over by every member of this great fraternity. That the Brethren have sworn to protect and defend him, just as he has sworn to protect and defend them.  It assures him that should he ever be overtaken with adversity or misfortune, through no fault of his own, the hand of every Mason on earth will be extended to assist him in his necessities.

And finally, it is comforting to know that when the final exit from this life arrives, Brethren will gather around to recall his virtues, pardon his faults, celebrate his life, and cherish his memory.

That simple card reaffirms all these things and a great deal more. It makes him proud to be a Mason; yet humble, in that he possesses a ‘passport’ into a society of friends and Brethren that are numbered in the millions around the globe.

Nobles, what is in your wallet? Does your membership card for your Lodge say “2022 Paid”? Does your Rameses Membership Card say “2022 Paid’? If not, why not! It is your passport to continue making the world a better place for all, especially for the children. Remember being a Mason made you feel better within yourself, but a Shriners, we make the world a better place. We need you to continue and support your Mother Lodge and Rameses Shriners. Be proud you are a Mason and be even prouder you are a Shriner.

As I and the Club and Unit Presidents enter our last three months in office, it is not the time to slack off and relax. Our goal is to make our year great but preparing our successor to have even a better year.

Let’s go out strong and continue do something to make our Clubs and Units a little bit better than it was when we arrived. Let’s go out and encourage our Nobles to remember, as your elective Divan has proven, support your Lodge. Let’s go out and move Rameses forward to allow us to make the world a better place. We are the family of Freemasonry and now is the time to continue practising Strength in Family.

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